Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tottaly bored

Soooooo ummmmmmm IIIIIIIII AAAAAMMMM BBBBBOOOOORRRRREEEEDDDD aaaannnndddd ttthhhiiiisss iiiiiisssss kkkkiiiinnnnddddaaaa ffffuuuuunnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!! sssssssoooooo iiiii dddddoooonnnnttt hhhhhaaaavvvveeeee aaaannnnnyyyyytttthhhhiiiinnnnngggg ttttttooooo dddddoooooo wwwwwwwwhhhhhhhaaaaaatttt aaaaabbbbbooooouuuuttttt yyyyyooooouuuu??????? tttttrrrrryyyyy tttttooooo fiiiggguuurrrrreeeeeee oooooooooouuuuuuuutttttt tttthhhheeeeeee wwwwwwwooooorrrrrrdddddd """"""""aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnttttttiiiiiiiiddddddddddiiiiiiiisssssssseeeeeeeeeesssssssssstttttttaaaaaaabbbbbllllllliiiiiiiiiiisssssssshhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnntttttarrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiaaaaannnnnnnnniiiiiiismmmmmmmmmmm""""""
ittttttt iiiiiisssss aaaaa rrrrrreeeeeaaaaalllll wwwwwwwoooorrrddd!!!!!!!


Elly said...

hey Luke you don't really know me cuz I've only met you once but my bro went with you to Six Flags with the Wagners so I just thought I'd say hi. and cool blog. and I was really bored today too . . . if you go on my brother's blog and look at the comments you'll see what happens when I'm bored LOL. and i think i got the word: antblishmentarianism
but what the heck does that mean??? lol if u wanna see my blog michael, michelle, or matthew have it as a link. and so is drew's.

Drew said...

hey. how have you been since six flags? check out my blog. the link is on michael's.

Anonymous said...

no way!!! the cottrells??? how weird is that??? we know them pretty good and they're really cool. ;P but thats really far away from where we live :( lol are you coming to church tonight???

Michael said...

I don't think i've ever been that bored...JK

Anonymous said...

i don't get that youtube thing...what is it???

Elly said...

what does that mean?

Michael said...


Anonymous said...

You never told me...liar! :)

Elly said...

wow. how do you know stuff that like that? that's totally random. I'm surprised I don't know what it means tho, cuz I'm taking a government class this year and I feel like I know EVERYTHING about the government now! its pretty crazy . . and annoying

Elly said...

true story. if michelle hasn't told you . . . I am a nerd . . . I'm in the national honor society. so u don't even really know me and you already know that I'm a nerd. that's kinda sad, huh?

Elly said...

I like your dog.

Anonymous said...

haha. see, you got wat i meant tho right??? :) anyway...okay, so you should post some pictures from mexico!

Elly said...

so did you go on that Mexico missions trip that Michelle almost went on?

Anonymous said...

so seriously now...your ditching me to go to the new campus???!!! i dont believe you. :P

Anonymous said...

Hey Are you still checking your blog???